A Fantasy Account of a Mexican in the NFL

Javier Gonzalez
5 min readDec 24, 2022


A Fantasy Account of a Mexican in the NFL

It had been a tough half for the Detroit Lions. It was coach Johnson’s first year heading a team in the National Football League (NFL). He’d had success in college and was on the hot seat with the demanding fans. Johnson had been worried about distractions with such a young team playing on Christmas day. For many of the young players it would be their first Christmas away from their families. One of those players was Johnson’s young star Safety they all called Martinez. For the young safety from Los Angeles, it was also the budding star’s grand opening on national TV.

While the stadium dome protected the players from the freezing Detroit snow, the cold did seep inside. Ownership said they set the heat for 62 degrees to get the Christmas feel. But when they pushed $5 hot chocolate, fans saw the cheap owners wanted to save money on heat while peddling in warmed up sugar. Still, cold beer ruled the day.

The Metrodome, as it is called, was full of Lion diehards mixed in with grandpa’s, pa’s and grand kids enjoying a special Christmas round of pigskin having already opened up Santa’s treasures. “What a day for the kids” legendary announcer John Madden proclaimed. “Presents in the morning and football in the afternoon. And, what a game,” Madden semi chanted. It was a 14–14 tie.

The Detroit Lions and Chicago Bears on Christmas day. Two historic rivals fighting for the final playoff spot. The Lions were favorites at home with the Bear’s star quarterback out with an injury. The young Lions roared out to an early lead. But the resilient Bears tied the game with two late touchdowns. Both touchdowns on the young safety Martinez, the only Mexican in the NFL as he liked to say. Although Martinez scored one of the Lion’s touchdowns on an interception he took back to the house for 7, the fans were on him for getting beat deep. Earlier in the game Martinez went for a big hit on another deep ball. But the Bear receiver held on and scored. Martinez knew he was up for a talking to, at least. Otherwise, Martinez had played solid and was a coach and fan favorite for his grit and punch.

As the half ended Martinez rushed into the locker room to get his lecture over with. As the team took their seats to hear from coach Martinez’s attention turned to the large revolving doors. As the last batch of medical and other staff came into the locker room Martinez could hear the halftime show intermittently through the revolving doors. Martinez became lost in the sounds of a familiar song that until that moment he had not realized that song meant so much to him.

As Coach Johnson praised the defensive and offensive lines for their tenacity Martinez stood up. Confused, coach Johnson looked at Martinez like you’d look at your dog chasing their own tail. Just as Johnson started to talk about the receivers and running backs, Martinez drifted towards the doors. He sort of glided towards the tall and wide revolving doors made for tall and wide athletes. Noticing Martinez’s distraction the defensive coach closed the doors. But Martinez needed to hear more.

Enjoy along with the read.

Without hesitation or fear Martinez walked to and then through the revolving doors back into the tunnel. He was headed to the field and the sounds that drew him. His entire life, Martinez wanted to star in a nationally televised football game, and now he was seemingly losing all focus. But nothing could have stopped Martinez as he headed back on the field, in full uniform. He even put his helmet back on. It was such an odd moment and no one stopped him.

Martinez was mesmerized. As he neared the field he could hear the Christmas music. It was the hook to a song he had only heard once before. “Simply having a wonderful Christmas time.” He never knew who sung that song, or at least that version. Martinez, on the field now, did not see the entire crowd who did see him in his bright blue warrior outfit. As he neared the stage there was a musical break in the song. Diana Ross noticed the young warrior nearing the stage. Ross, on stage, looked right at Martinez as she gutted her stage plan and walked towards Martinez.

Ross sang beautifully, “simply having a wonderful Christmas time.” She continued, “The choir of children sing their song. They practiced all year looooong.” The children behind Ross elevated the party “ding dong, ding dong, ding dong. Dong ding, ding dong. Ding.” Martinez became emotional. He never thought of himself as too into Christmas, but it was his first Christmas away from his family.

The gorgeous superstar singer saw that Martinez was emotional. Ross looked into his eyes and continued with a beautiful smile, “The word is out about the town. To lift a glass or don’t look down. Simply having a wonderful Christmas time.” By now Martinez was in full tears. Flanked by an assistant coach with no clue what to do, Martinez arrived at the stairs of the stage. As the last verse neared, the gracious Ross walked towards Martinez. She put her hand out to Martinez as the children chimed in again, “ding dong, ding dong, ding dong. Dong ding, ding dong. Ding.”

Ross wrapped it up, “were simply having a wonderful Christmas time” The Children joined again, “ simply having a wonderful Christmas time.” The crowd roared. Choked up with emotion Martinez hugged Ross like a little boy hugging his grandma. He quietly said to Ross, “my family didn’t really do Christmas. But one year we went to the salvation Army and they gave us dinner and a show. They played that song right as Santa gave me a bright red fire truck. I listened to every word of the song. I sat there for hours repeating the words in my head, scared someone would take the truck back.”

Ross shewed the cameras away and said, “those are beautiful memories.” Embarrassed, Martinez was careful not to paint his parents as scrooges and added, “my mom would make tamales and we did get something for the family to share.” Ross smiled and said, “Then you did have a wonderful Christmas time.” As Ross began to turn away Martinez parted with “I had not heard it since. Thank you.” Ross turned back, “Don’t worry, these White boys are paying me for this,” as she giggled sweetly and directed Martinez, “I think you’d better get going.”

Martinez turned away and saw his defensive coach looking at him like a confused father. Martinez put his head down and jogged back to the locker room. As the fans roared in forgiveness Martinez sang to himself, “simply having a wonderful Christmas time. Were simply having a wonderful Christmas time. Simply having a wonderful Christmas time.”



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